Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jeff Bezos- A man behind the growth of E-Commerce:

In this article we will look at the achievements of Jeff Bezos, who was the responsible for one of the biggest revolutions in book publishing. Jeff Bezos born in 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he was an inquisitive child. He turned his parent’s garage into a laboratory and was always rigging electrical machines around the house. As a toddler he dismantled his own crib with a screwdriver. In 1982 he was valedictorian of his class in high school, where he also began his first business, the Dream institute, an educational summer camp for fourth, fifth and sixth graders. In 1986 he graduated from Princeton University, majoring in electrical engineering and computer science. In 1986 Jeff started working on Wall Street in the computer science field. He became the youngest ever senior VP of in 1992.
In 1993 he married Mackenzie Tuttle who he met on Wall Street. She was also from Princeton. In 1994 he gave in to his original love, quitting his job on Wall Street to found Bezos wrote the company’s business plan in the car, as he and his family made their move from New York to Seattle.  
In 1995 which is an online book store was launched on July 16, and without any press promotion made sales in 45 countries within 30 days of the launch. By introducing CDs, clothes, toys and electronics Amazon enters into a diversified business. In 1999 he was named “Person of the Year” by the Time Magazine. In 2003 he got survived from a helicopter crash. He founded Blue origin, an aerospace company specializing in spaceflight. In 2011 Amazon announced its first ever profit in the fourth quarter.
Bezos launched Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch and Kindle Touch 3G, and introduced Amazon silk, a web browser developed for Kindle Fire. This same year the company market cap topped $100 billion. In 2013 he purchased The Washington Post for $250 million. According to Bloomberg his net worth is $36 billion.
Mow we will discuss some interesting facts related to Jeff Bezos. Jeff initially wanted to be an archeologist. He graduated from Princeton with a 4.3 GPA out of 4. Initially he kept a bell with him that would ring each time an order was placed. It eventually started ringing so much, that he had to toss it out. Approximately 73 orders are placed per second during Christmas season at Amazon. He is deeply found of brainstorming and white boards. He believes that despite reading a memo written by someone else, brainstorming generates powerful ideas. He deals with stress by laughing it off.
The current profile of the company suggests sales of around $ 61 billion with market value of around $182 billion. In Amazon there are 109,800 employees as of September 2013.In the last we can conclude that under the guidance of the great entrepreneur name Jeff Bezos became the World’s biggest online retailer. He is completely changing the way the world buys and the success of Jeff Bezos will last forever.


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